Doing Business In - Poland


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Seven countries border on Poland making the country a perfect location for investments which impact the markets of both western and Eastern Europe. In just a few hours, you can easily get from Warsaw to Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Kiev, Minsk or Bratislava either by train, car or plane.

The Polish population is approximately 38,135 000 people, making it the sixth most populated country in the European Union. The total area of Poland is 312 679 km2 which is comparable to the size of Germany.

The distance from south to north and east to west is equidistant - about 680 kilometres. The capital city, and the largest city in Poland, is Warsaw, with a population of 1.8 million inhabitants and the 9th largest city in the European Union.

The network of Polish motorways is continually being enlarged and improved and new motorways, once completed, will allow you to get from the Baltic seaside to the Tatry Mountains in about 7 hours. Or you can choose to go to the beautiful Mazury lakes district, which is only 3 hours driving distance from Warsaw. Travelling by train or car gives you a chance to admire the untouched nature, magnificent diverse Polish landscapes and the monuments of Polish culture in its historic towns.

Doing business in Poland is increasingly becoming easier thanks to a well-developed educational system. Poland boasts well-educated young economists, engineers, computer scientists and others who are respected and highly appreciated.  Every year the number of graduates from higher, post-secondary schools and universities is increasing. English has become a common language in business as well as in a common life. A second foreign language spoken by Poles is German.